
We need your help!

Can you help us to raise funds for skin cancer, especially malignant melanoma, research?

  • Donate via JustGiving

  • If you would like to help by fundraising for SCaRF by participating in a sponsored event the easiest and most tax efficient way of doing so is via our pages on the Just Giving web-site to create a fund raising page (for which you will need to create a free log-in account.

    Enter SCaRF’s charity number 284582 in the subsequent search box). A further way is via BT’s Mydonate web site.

  • If you would prefer to do things the traditional way the SCaRF Administrator, Steve Hollyman can supply sponsor forms; telephone 0117 4148755 or e-mail .

    We can also supply SCaRF T-shirts so that our logo will be seen on the day.


SCaRF Office

Steve Hollyman

Pines and Steps Building
Southmead Hospital

Tel: 01174 148755

Connect With Us


Donate via JustGiving
