We need your help!
Can you help us to raise funds for skin cancer, especially malignant melanoma, research?
Donate via JustGiving
If you would like to help by fundraising for SCaRF by participating in a sponsored event the easiest and most tax efficient way of doing so is via our pages on the Just Giving web-site to create a fund raising page (for which you will need to create a free log-in account.
Enter SCaRF’s charity number 284582 in the subsequent search box). A further way is via BT’s Mydonate web site.If you would prefer to do things the traditional way the SCaRF Administrator, Steve Hollyman can supply sponsor forms; telephone 0117 4148755 or e-mail .
We can also supply SCaRF T-shirts so that our logo will be seen on the day.
SCaRF Office
Steve Hollyman
Pines and Steps Building
Southmead Hospital
Tel: 01174 148755